With an Open Heart

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My quote, at The Wellness Universe…

With an Open Heart you achieve more than with any theory or philosophy – Read the expansion of the quote at The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day. I invite you to comment here or at The Wellness Universe site.

Namaste, Helena Kalivoda
[Read more…]

Your Heart vs. Your Mind

Wake Up! Your Heart is Calling.You Are Born with a Fully Open Heart

The heart acts as a connector between your physical and spiritual aspects. You are born with a fully open heart, but your heart may eventually close when it is challenged repeatedly. Your heart, as a pump, will still be well equipped to support the biological life of your body, but the heart that is your divine connection will wait, poised and eager, for you to understand that without a warm, kind and loving heart, you will not be able to fully function at your possible finest in this material world.  [Read more…]

Self-Care of Your Mind and Body

red rose 2I am continuing my blog tour… today, I am pleased to be a guest blogger at Mari Barnes’ site of Flying Turtle Publishing at http://wp.me/p2skCr-lq. Mari’s slogan is — Specializing in Books That Families Can Share.

Hop to Mari’s website and enjoy my post, including all that Mari has to offer.

IMG_7722 fwitter (1)Award Winning Author Helena Kalivoda, writes books that are inspired by her Soul. She takes you on a spiritual journey that combines her experience, wisdom and your desire to know more about yourself into books that are a must have for your collection.
To receive a free gift and to find out more about Helena and her books visit Helena’s website at http://www.booksbyhelena.com. Her author’s page is at http://www.amazon.com/author/helena-kalivoda.

You Are Energy

energyThis post was featured by the Wellness Universe, as an expansion for my quote: “You are energy. You have the undeniable power to elevate your life by your conscious behaviour – raise your energetic vibrations by the way you conduct yourself” at Helena’s Quote.


Everything is energy. Your thoughts, words, and acts are energy. The tone of your voice is energy. You, your body, and your feelings are energy. You can elevate your energetic vibrations by elevating your beliefs and thoughts and in how you speak and act.

Beautiful morning.
Blue sky. Green grass.
Happiness, joy.

Sensationalism. Apprehension.
Condemnation. Victimization.
What else? Thoughtlessness.

How did it feel? Did all words evoke the same feelings in you?

When you think, speak, and act,
use the words that are mindful,
that are simple and gentle.

That are full of warmth and don’t feel heavy.
That feel like the hues of bright light that are dewy,
dewy with the promise of a beautiful day.

Words, circumstances, and sights make you feel a certain way. Why? You are a receiver of their energy.

Should you avoid unpleasant events or situations? It is not as much about avoiding the external situations and influences as it is about taking care of your “internal ecosystem”. It is about being mindful of the level and quality of the energy you give off at all times.

Your energetic vibration attracts into your life a match for who and how you are. What circumstances and people do you attract to you? Raise your vibrations and see your reality change.

   Helena Kalivoda, an award-winning author, writes books that are inspired by her soul. Find more about Helena and her books at http://www.booksbyhelena.ca or any main book-selling websites.

Conscious Becoming

metamorphosis bk5 cvr resEngage in conscious becoming, in conscious living. Be consciously mastering the skill of realizing the true you – a being that is eternal, is love. Trust your inner guidance, your inner self and allow your higher mind, your everlasting Thee, to guide you.

You are becoming an eternal being
who knows, who realizes,
who is aware
whenever you are on Earth
or other planes.
You are becoming an eternal being
who is aware.

Become. Allow yourself
to touch your everlasting Thee.
Your Thee that is always with you
even if you only knew
that you are an earthly being
and that is all you knew. [Read more…]

What Is Time? Can We Expand Time?

evolution cvr bk4 resCan we expand time? What Is Time? They say there is no time in the spirit world. We can only believe it, as we live on Earth where time has meaning to us. They say that at times highly evolved beings live on our planet, and they can at will transfer themselves from our earthly time to no time of the spirit world and back.

Time allows us to live and plan our life. We are linear thinkers living in linear time. Yet, our future can be revealed to us. Our past (incarnations) can be revealed to us. Through our intuition, through listening to the whispers of our spirit, listening through our hearts instead of our minds, our past and future can be revealed to us—our higher self-exists on the plane where time does not exist, where all, past, present, and future, is one time. [Read more…]

Never Say Never – Listen to Your Intuition, to Your Spirit

It’s been a busy first month of 2012. I promised myself that my new books I have been working on for the last two years would be on Kindle by the end of January 2012. I am almost there. I am done with my new series of five poetry books called Purposeful Mind. Three of my new five books are uploaded on Kindle and other two will make it there in a couple of weeks.

I certainly have NOT EVER thought about or planned to become a writer and an author. I was convinced that I was a left-brained, logical, scientifically minded person. But my Spirit knew something I did not. It taught me that we are multifaceted and multidimensional beings. That it does not matter how much resistance we have or how much denial we are in, the real we eventually bursts through. [Read more…]

My First Blog – Purposeful Mind

I have finally decided to start blogging. Does the world need another blogger or another blog? Perhaps.

I’ve been busy, busy, finishing my Purposeful Mind series. This series of 5 books of compelling verses has been downloaded by me, or rather to me, several years ago from the Spirit realm.

Below is one of the poems from my fifth book of this series: METAMORPHOSIS, What Else Is Possible. Previous to this series I published 3 books that were in prose, so, yes, I do not wax poetic every time I write.

I call this series “conceptual spiritual” poetry. Enjoy.

Cocoon You Have Been

Illuminating, as it may be,
you are on the threshold of a discovery,
discovery of who you are.

Are you holding yourself hostage
by pretending to you about you,
withholding the information from you
about your true self?

Your commitment to yourself
is a way of finding who you are.
Are you a person who is not very grounded?
Are you a person who is spiritual?
Are you a person who is not well versed
in spirituality itself?
Are you a person who can climb mountains?
All of those need to be found.

Do not hesitate to ask questions.
Do not hesitate to negotiate
with your Higher Self, find who you are.
You can emerge as a cocoon or as a butterfly.
A cocoon you have been for a long time,
it is important to see that butterfly
open the wings and fly.

You can build bridges,
you can topple mountains;
you can change absolutely anything.
You can bring the changes, and you are.
You can accelerate from where you are.

Forget all mundane thoughts,
but still feel entitled to your little joys,
your piece of a pie, and a little talk.
Do not forget to think of yourself at all times.
What are your needs, your wants?
You have absolute power to do anything you wish—
it is your absolute, absolute power.

Love yourself; spread your wings.
Be your own guide and do not think
that others can change the outcome of your life.
You are a maker, a creator
of your own universe, of your own realizations,
of all your own palaces and caves.

For more information about my books visit my website at http://www.booksbyhelena.ca

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