The Family Unit or The Family Unity

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I am asking myself how one does maintain an environment of a mutual understanding, and of respect and loving embrace?

I am asking that as right now in my family a situation has evolved – a situation that I believed was on the mend, however, it took on a new turn. As a parent, I want my children to be close to each other, but there are things that can come up in different ways that so easily separate brothers and sisters.

I am asking myself, as a mother, how do I help to heal the wounds? I suppose all one can do is keep on loving all and trusting that their experiences bring a way to prompt them to forgive one another. 

The theory is that when we accept what is, then all is fine. That does not happen that easily or fast. First, we need to be aware of this spiritual truth, and then, we need to consciously decide to embrace it to be able to truly accept what is. 

I am in the middle of it all. I can become a messenger of love and I can become a messenger of dismay, or even of hate. I am a messenger of the story of their truths and hurts. And, their hurts are also my hurts. I am a middle ground where everybody meets and I have been stepping gingerly around the hurt feelings of others and my own. I have discovered I need to become my own peacemaker first. Then I can bring peace to others.

I believe that we all play our parts we came here to fulfil. All the experiences and learnings are brought back to The All That Is. The lived theories become experiences and they are confirmations of all possibilities and a validation of all theories. So let’s accept and welcome those who are not like us, as in their differences, in their roles, is their contribution to the total humanity experience so we do not need to go through those same roles ourselves. 

The question is, will all finish their experiences with everybody’s understanding or do they leave ruins on the way to living that which is seemingly their truth? But be aware, there always are higher truths, the highest of them being all-encompassing love. 

Refusal, unkindness, and similar have no room in the family and in the matrix of evolution toward that is noble and all accepting. The family needs to accept and welcome bright and feeble, strong and weak, ugly and pretty. 

If the peace is to be re-established, all need to be included. All need to be loved and taken into account, taken care of. All ought to feel and be part of the family; included, and not feeling alone. All ought to be embraced, the little and the large, nice and not so nice. If people do not feel the acceptance and love in their family, where do they?

The feeling of being accepted and included is a must for the physical, emotional and all levels of beings to exist, to be healthy and grow. When one is excluded, the soul withers and dies and the heart hardens. The heart needs to be active, otherwise, emotions of distrust, hurt, and pain come. One feels belittled and forgotten. One feels neglected and heavy.

The heaviness needs to be lifted, the understanding and acceptance needs to be extended to all. Not through pushing for things to happen, but letting them evolve through allowing for the natural growth. Can we do that? How can we do that? 


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Award Winning Author Helena Kalivoda, writes books that are inspired by her Soul. She takes you on a spiritual journey that combines her experience, wisdom, and your desire to know more about yourself into books that are a must have for your collection. To  find out more about Helena and her books, and get your gift, visit Helena’s website at Her author’s page is at

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